Saturday, March 13, 2010

Picture Post! (Magic House and Suson Park)

I wanted to post some of the pics I took from this past week. Last Sunday night, Maria's pre-school hosted a night at the Magic House. They rented the whole place out, which was really cool because it wasn't nearly as crowded as it is during the day. Maria had a great time. I think it was a little overwhelming for her because there was so much to see and looked like she was just taking it all in!

Last Thursday, the weather was awesome so I packed the kids up and went to Suson Park. All the animals were out frolicking around. Maria and Naomi loved the mini-horses. Naomi was just giggling at them the entire time! Then we went to the playground and had a great time there, too! Maria loved the slides and I could hardly get her out of the swing! Naomi just watched everybody run around from her stroller. She was pretty tired but seemed to enjoy the fresh air!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Those pics are adorable! You guys are having so much fun!

I got your comment, but couldn't figure out your email. I have a mac, so I use iMovie which came on the computer...when I have more time, I can make much better movies, but it's pretty simple (thank God).

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