Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Naomi is 10 Months Old!!!

Ten months have come and gone with Naomi in our lives. Ten months of snuggles, of smiles, of giggles and love! She is growing into such a kid already. It's kind of sad in a way. Of course I want her to grow big and strong and develop into a healthy toddler and then, eventually, a healthy adult. But a part of me wants her to stay little. Part of me wants to see her smile with only 2 little bottom teeth, forever. Naomi will be 1 in 2 months. I remember the day Maria turned 1. From that day until now has flown by and now Maria is a full fledged kid. Is it wrong for me to want Naomi to just be a baby for a little while longer? Especially since she might be our last one???? My heart aches just thinking about it.

But today I will celebrate! My baby girl is wearing 12 month clothes (they are big in the waist/body but fit just right in the length.) Sometimes she eats like a grown man during mealtimes (although she's still a little stinker when it comes to the bottle). She is mimicking several words, waving hello and bye bye, blowing kisses, giving kisses (watch out though, she likes to use her tongue!) she can point to her nose when asked and she can point to someone else's nose, too. My favorite thing she attempts is making a monkey sound and then cracking up when I do it! (need to get a video of that!) She is pulling up on all the furniture and falls quite often. She doesn't like to wear socks and HATES to have a bib on.

Here are a few pics I took of her recently:

Eating an Avocado! (Yes...she did her hair all by herself!!)

I saved the best for last! YES! Naomi is officially crawling. She has been for a few weeks. I haven't been able to get a video of it until today!Sorry it's a little dark. So, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you....Naomi Crawling!!!! (notice I had to bait her with the remote, again! And of course Maria had to get in on the action, as well!)

1 comment:

Laura G said...

So excited Naomi is crawling, although I thought the army crawl was pretty cute too! What a big girl!

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