Friday, September 11, 2009

Naomi is 4 Months Old!!

On September 8th, Naomi turned 4 months old. I can't believe how fast time has gone by! Over the past few days I have been putting all the summer clothes away and getting out fall/winter stuff. It makes me sad to put away the cute little clothes that Naomi has already grown out of. It makes me wonder if I will ever see them on another child of mine...makes me sad to think Naomi MIGHT be our last baby, maybe our last girl.(tear) Some of the clothes have such sentimental value. I think sometimes I am in denial that she has outgrown them. The size might be 0-3 months, and I think maybe I can get her to wear it just one more time before I have to put it away.

Well, whether I am in denial or not, Naomi went to the doctor for her 4 month check up and the proof was there. She's growing like a weed. She weighs 13 pounds, 5 ounces and is 25 inches long. She is still 50th percentile for her weight and 75th for height. Her personality is coming through more and more every day! She is so smiley and giggly. She has the funniest laugh that makes me laugh harder every time I hear it. She lights up every time she sees Maria and cracks up at her when she starts dancing around. We are constantly telling Maria to "Show Naomi how you dance" just so we can hear Naomi laugh.

One of her new talents is grabbing her feet and putting them in her mouth. She also likes to have two fingers in her mouth all the time. She is trying roll over but she will get stuck on her side. She still hates tummy time but we are making her do it more every day. We think we have her acid reflux under control (for now). After switching bottles and putting her on soy formula, the doctor told us to try thickening her feedings by adding rice cereal to her formula. This seems to help tremendously! However, she doesn't always finish her bottle b/c the cereal is filling her up. But, she's not screaming bloody murder anymore at night, so I'll take it!

Speaking of cereal, the doctor also told us we can begin giving her cereal from a spoon. We tried it for the first time last night and she didn't really know what to think of it. She didn't hate it though. Here are some pics of her at 4 months and eating from a spoon.

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