Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday Night Leftovers (The Power Went Out and Forced Me To Get the Kids Out of the House Edition)

  • Gerry's starting to get sick so last night I was nice and let him sleep in the bedroom alone while I took the monitors and slept on the couch so he could get a good night of uninterrupted sleep.
  • Wow!  Did I pick a good night for that!
  • 11:00 pm: I woke Maria out of her slumber to go pee (as she has had a few accidents lately and I was trying to prevent that)
  • 12:00 am: Maria wakes on her own and says she has to go potty.(Good Girl!)
  • 1:30 am: Naomi wakes up screaming.  Don't know why. Cover her back up and go back to the couch.
  • 2:45 am: Naomi is crying...again!  What is with this child?
  • 6:00 am: I hear Gerry leaving for work.
  • 7:00 am: The kids wake up for the day.
  • 8:30 am: I am still laying on the couch because I am utterly exhausted while kids are watching TV and bam! The power goes out.  Great.  Haven't even given the kids breakfast yet.  Now what am I going to do?
  • After I call Gerry he says " Under no circumstances should you open the refrigerator!" Yeah...that's doable!
  • Can't get to the eggs, butter, syrup, milk, yogurt, sausage...I guess we are going out for breakfast.
  • Load up the kids and walk out to the garage...I realize I can't get the garage door open if the power isn't on.
  • After a few phone calls I manage to figure it out.
  • 9:30 am: On our way to a wonderful breakfast at Denny's.
  • Food didn't come until 10:20...the natives were restless!
  • I have never seen my kids scarf down so much food so quickly.  They were almost done with their plates before I even took my first bite.  Maria ate 3 chocolate chip pancakes (healthy, I know), 1 piece of sausage and 2 pieces of toast, while Naomi mowed 2 pancakes, 1 piece of toast, 1 sausage link and half a biscuit with gravy, and she at some of my turkey bacon!
  • On the way out, an older woman stopped and complimented me on how well behaved my children were.  I thanked her and said "Of course they're good when their mouths are full of food" as I tried not to laugh.
  • Trying to find some fun, FREE, indoor activities for kids ages 3 and 1 at the last minute isn't easy.  So we went to the mall and I let them run around in the little play area.
  • To the mom whose little boy spit in Maria's face: You are lucky I didn't spit in yours while you sat there gabbing away, NOT watching your son push other kids off the slide, butt in line repeatedly in front of Naomi (who is 1, btw), climb up the slide while others were trying to go down it, and yelling mean things! Your son is rude and gross.  
  • On the way home, of course the kids fell sound asleep and now they aren't napping in their beds while I type this.
  • Good thing the power is back on!
Happy Friday everyone!  Have a great weekend!  Don't forget to enjoy your leftovers with  Danifred!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sunday Night Fun

This is what we like to do on Sunday nights when the kids are bored:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

No Sound and other random thoughts

No Sound.  That's what I get when I turn on my television.  Everything works just fine except you can't hear anything.  Needless to say, I am bummed. After spending a few hours on the phone with the tech guy, we realized we couldn't fix the problem ourselves. We are a TV watching family around here so it's going to be a rough couple of days until the guy can get here to look at it on Saturday.  

On the bright side: The DVD player works and for some reason the sound works when we play movies.  And our TV downstairs works in case I really want to watch my shows.  I guess I can bundle up and make my way to the freezing basement to watch Parenthood and Days while Naomi is sleeping today.

Speaking of Saturday...Maria has swimming, Naomi has Little Gym and we are having my family over for dinner for 2 birthday celebrations so it's a great day to have a cable guy at my house working on the TV, huh?  He is scheduled to come between 12 and 4.  I bet anything he's going to show up at 4.  Just in time for dinner...yay!

Once again, Naomi is sick.  Ugh!  This poor kid can't catch a break!  It's mostly just a cold with a major runny nose and cough. No fever. But it's just enough to be really annoying and interfere with her sleep.  (which interferes with my sleep as well) Last month she had a stuffy nose for almost 2 weeks.  I find it odd that Maria is the one who goes to school 4 days a week and is around all the germs and other kids, yet Naomi is the one who gets sick.

Speaking of Maria's school...she hasn't been much lately because of this wonderful weather we've been having.  The district we're in cancels school when it starts to flurry so she's had a lot of days off lately. It's supposed to snow pretty bad here tomorrow so I'm hoping it can hold off until she's home from school.

Thanks for listening to me complain. 

I promise I'll have pictures next time!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Snow Day!

I promised Maria the next time it snows we will go out and play in it.

Well, the next time came.  And I (reluctantly) kept my promise!

I'm not a big fan of playing in the snow.  I bought Maria a snowsuit (the overall/pants portion of a snowsuit)on sale last year in hopes that she would be able to use it.  I never got around to getting her a coat or boots. 

And Naomi didn't have any snow gear so I was dreading the whole process.

But...I did it.  I layered the kids up (which took 45 minutes) and I was "that mom" who put bags on her kid's feet to keep them dry.  But for 25 minutes of fun, who cares what they look like, right? This was a lot of work to do by myself.

I am embarrassed to say that this was Maria's first time EVER playing in the snow.  (She will be 4 in July)
Maria loved it until her hands got wet.  Naomi fell on her face a few times and mostly just stood there looking around.  But overall it was fun.  I got a few good laughs and some cute pictures and they both enjoyed hot chocolate afterwards!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Night Leftovers

It's time for left overs again!  Join Danifred for the fun!
  • We are celebrating over here at the G house! Maria is (dare I say) Pull Up free!  She had been using them only at nap and bed time but for the past several weeks she has been waking up completely dry. I think we have thrown away 2 full packs of them dry, which is essentially like throwing $20 in the trash.  So I decided to stop using them as a crutch and let her wear undies to bed! She gets up on her own in the morning and goes right to the bathroom...and has even woken up a few times in the middle of the night yelling "I gotta go potty!" We are super proud of her and can't believe how mature she is getting to be.
  • Speaking of saving money...I have decided to start using our cloth diapers on Naomi ...again.  I have started and stopped so many times I can't even count.  But I finally had it when I bought a pack of Huggies and every diaper smelled like burned was worse when they were peed in. The smell was so bad it made my throat hurt. I had Gerry and 2 other people smell them just to make sure it wasn't my imagination and they all smelled it too! I can't even imagine the amount or type of chemicals that were used in the making of those diapers so I am convinced, once again, the cloth is better.
  • Busy times are coming! Maria and Naomi are both starting Little Gym later this month and Maria starts swimming lessons tomorrow.  Maria's gymnastics class will be on Thursday nights and Saturday mornings she will do swimming while Naomi is at the gym.  I am excited about all of this for many reasons...Maria is officially in the Pike class, which means 45 minute sessions (and I don't have to be in the water...yay!)  Also she is on her own in gymnastics as well.  I am excited for Naomi to do the Little Gym with Gerry because I think she will really like the class.  Maria took the same class when she was little and quickly lost interest.  We think Naomi will get more involved and participate better.  Who knows?  We'll see.
  • I have been in a rut this week.  All the Christmas decorations are down and everyone is back into a routine.  I thought I would be too.  But it feels like I have been fumbling through the days..waiting for Maria to get on the bus, waiting for Naomi to nap, waiting for Maria to get off the bus, making dinner and going to bed.  Not sure what is wrong...I just don't have any motivation to do anything.  It's so cold and dreary outside, yet I feel so cooped up in the house.  Poor Naomi doesn't get to leave the house for days at a time.  I've got to find something to do during the day or I'm going to go crazy.  (Preferably something that doesn't cost money...unlike those quick runs to Target where I go in to buy diapers or shampoo...$100 later I know Gerry's going to kick my butt because I came home with way more than I intended to buy!) I know when the weather gets nicer I'll feel better, but that's not going to be for a while!
  • When I was fixing Maria's hair for school the other day, she informed me she wanted a "low side pony tail" How did she know what this was? 
  • I walked into the kitchen the other day and caught Naomi singing "Baby, baby, baby...nooo!" Okay...why in the world is my 20 month old singing a Justin Bieber song? We don't listen to him so I have no idea how she knew the song. 
  • Maria told me she had a fiber bar for snack at school.  Why are they serving 3-5 year olds fiber bars for snack?  I thought this was hilarious!
That's it for now! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Celebrations 2010

Christmas has come and gone...already!  It was different this year with two little girls that both had a better understanding of what it all means.  The build up of Christmas time was fun and exciting.  Everything from putting up the lights and tree to wrapping presents and baking cookies all had a different meaning this year. It was for my was all for my kids!  And I loved it!  I just couldn't wait to see their faces as each day in December passed and we did something new for the season.  Some of my favorite memories from this year include:
  • Having the girls help us decorate the tree and laughing for the next 2 weeks because Naomi wouldn't keep any ornaments on.  Oh well...maybe next year.
  • Delivering banana bread and zucchini chocolate chip bread to some special people in our lives with Maria.  It was great seeing how much she loved to make other people smile.
  • Putting together the play kitchen that "Santa" brought for the girls with Gerry.  We listened to Christmas music, drank coffee and really enjoyed spending the time together.. we make a great team!
  • Taking the girls to Santa's Magical Kingdom to see all the lights. When we got there, I allowed both girls to sit in my lap in the front seat of the van. (I know...I'm a terrible mom, but the back windows are tinted which isn't conducive to viewing Christmas lights and getting the full affect).  I rolled down the window  so they could hear the music playing outside and covered us all with blankets.  The girls giggled and squealed as they pointed out their favorite characters and saw the flashing lights and displays.  Reindeer jumping overhead, elves all around us building was indeed magical!
To add to the magic, it started snowing Christmas Eve and didn't stop until the next day! When the big day was actually here, we had a wonderful time!  The girls were excited about their play kitchen as well as the MANY other presents they received from everyone.  It was a busy few days, but we all survived.  Both girls were amazing...especially without naps! Here is our Christmas recap in pictures!

Celebrating with our friend Erin on Christmas Eve Eve!

Naomi checking out the snow on Christmas Eve, waiting for Maria to wake up form her nap.

Getting ready to go to Great Grandma's House

 My favorite picture!
 Me and my girls!

Admiring the train at Great Grandma's house.

Santa makes an appearance every year!

Naomi opening her Sing-a-ma-jig!

Girls in their jammies!

Christmas morning...can it get any better than this?

Here's what Santa left!

Maria got her very own camera!

And Rapunzel, of course!

Naomi loved the kitchen!

After breakfast at Uncle Bobb and Aunt Laura's house! 

The chaos at my mom's house! Everyone is just buried in presents!
 Naomi loved the party toast.  This was her 6th piece!
 My mom and Maria opening something fun!

My brother and his power juicer!  I saw it in action the other night and I totally want one!

Naomi eating the toast in style!

Maria feeding Naomi's new baby.

As you can see, we had a wonderful Christmas. Gerry had the entire week off after so we spent a lot of time recovering, cleaning, re- grouping and just being together.  We took Maria to see her first movie, Tangled.  That was a success. We had an awesome New Year's dinner at my brother's house.  And Gerry and I enjoyed a night out. (thanks to Karen and John for babysitting!)

Gerry went back to work today and Maria goes back to school so everything is getting back to normal! Looking forward to a fantastic 2011!

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