Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Butterfly Chef

Just when we were completely out of ideas for dinner the other night, something magical happened!

The Butterfly Chef appeared and eased all our worries!

She said she'd have a meal prepared for the whole family in no time!  She got to work right away!

So, she started mixing....

 A little salt to taste....

Mmmm...no!  Still missing something...

A dash of pepper...

 Voila! Perfect!

The meal was delicious!  Let me know if you need the Butterfly Chef to come to your house and I will contact her!  Her first visit is free!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fabulous Fall Fun

Maria's class took a field trip to the Pumpkin Patch last week and I was lucky enough to snag a babysitter for Naomi so I could go along.  I arrived there just as her bus was pulling in.  It was neat to see her getting off the bus and talking with her teache's and friends without her even knowing I was there.  She was so cute and seemed so old at that moment in time.  She was just laughing and socializing with her buddies and they were all so excited.

After a relaxing hayride through the acres and acres of vegetables and flowers, the kids were able to run and play in the mazes and on the playground. Then we all took a stroll through the inflatible spooky house...which Maria didn't really like that much. We all had a snack and Maria got to ride home with me. It was so much fun and I was thrilled to be able to be there, sharing the experience with Maria.

She found a pumpkin burried in the sand!

Maria and I on the hayride.

 "I think I'll take this one!"

She loves those slides!

Pumpkin Head!

Saturday morning, Maria had a soccer game.  Although her team lost, we were excited to have Bobb, Laura, Olivia, Dominic, Aunt Terri, cousin Rachel and Uncle John come to cheer us on.  Uncle Marc and John made the attempt to watch the game, but they brought Gryphon and didn't realize there were no dogs allowed at the field.  We wanted to say thanks anyway...we appreciate the effort! The game was fun and Maria did a much better job than the previous game. 

Saturday evening, I was supposed to have a girl's night out with Connie and Erin, but I decided to stay in.  Last week was pretty brutal considering Maria, Naomi and I were all sick.  To top it off, Gerry has been working crazy hours for the past 2 weeks so I just needed time to recover.  Gerry decided to make party pizzas for us for dinner, so after the kids went to bed we ate our yummy snacks and cuddled up with a movie!

Sunday we had our annual family trip to the pumpkin patch with Gerry's family, my friend Erin and Laura's family.  We headed out to Thies Farms for Pumpkin Land once again because last year was such a success. 

The kids had a blast playing in the hay, going through hay forts, sliding, zip lining, running and climbing!  We went on another hay ride, ate some lunch and fed and rode some horses.  Aside from the almost summer like weather, we all had a great time! 

These are the reasons I love this season so much!!! 

 Attempted Family Pic

Dominic was all smiles!

The girls running in the hay pit.
 Love those lashes!!!
 Sliding again!

 Let's race!

Naomi is never sitting still!

Spinning in the tire.
 Naomi and Erin

Maria crossing the rope bridge.

Maria and Erin
 Naomi and I on the hay ride!

 All three girls sitting nicely (but none looking at the camera!)

Yay for cousins!

 Maria riding on Ace

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Out into the World!

Sometime in the middle of August, our first baby got on a bus and went to school.

Yes...you read correctly.  We put our 3 year old on a bus. 

Maria had an opportunity to go to a great Pre-School, 4 days a week, that provided transportation.

Yes...you read that correctly.  I put my 3 year old on a bus and shipped her off to school 4 DAYS a week.

Do I feel bad about it? 

Heck no!  It was the greatest decision we could have made for her.

Of course I was nervous about the whole bus idea, but driving her myself in the middle of the afternoon wasn't feasible because of Naomi's naps.  The bus drivers called us ahead of time and I felt reassured that they would provide Maria with the safest care possible.  The bus actually pulls into our driveway and I buckle her into her seat, using a 5 point harness seat belt.  So, that makes me feel a lot better.

As far as the school goes...it is awesome!  I know Maria was getting bored being at home every day with me and Naomi, so this is just what she needed.  Routine, structure, and she is even able to get help with her sensory issues.  Her teacher's first degree was in horticulture, so she is big into gardening and planting.  They cook every week, they make their own play doh, they have a fish tank, they eat a snack every day and they have jobs.  They've already seen the inside of an ambulance and a fire truck.  This week they are going to a pumpkin patch. I know she is busy learning and exploring and I am so excited for her to have this opportunity. 

Since she is missing nap time (her school is from 1-4), she is exhausted in the evenings and she goes to bed right away.  She does catch up on her sleep on Fridays and on the weekends, though.  So, all in all, it was a great decision her dad and I made for her. 

She loves the bus and loves going to school every day! 

Here are some pics we took of her very first day!

First day excitement...Naomi looks thrilled, doesn't she?

Maria posing with her monogrammed back pack.

Getting off the bus after her first day!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Our Summer in Photos - Part 3 (Finally the last one!)

As our summer began winding down, we took a lot of trips to different parks, ate at a few new restaurants and every Saturday began with swimming lessons. This was particularly exciting for me because it was Maria's first session where I didn't have to be in the water with her! On the other hand, Naomi had her first lesson ever and Gerry got to experience the joy of swimming lessons with a 1 year old.  (note the sarcasm...) Not that I don't enjoy spending that time with my kids in the water, but after doing it with Maria for back to back sessions since she was 16 months old...I was getting a little sick of it. 

Anyway...here are some pics of Suson Park, Tower Grove Park with Uncle Marc and John, and swimming lessons!

 I love picutes of my kids in swings...can you tell?

She was falling asleep in the swing!

 This spinning thing was awesome!

 Just a little dizzy!

Swimming lessons!  (The lighting in here was terrible)

 Hailey got to watch, too!

 Omi is not as thrilled as her dad!

She's already mastered how to climb out!
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